Register with SAGDA
Graduate Placement opportunities, mostly in the form of Internships and Work Integrated Learning(WIL), constitute a great deal of SAGDA activities.
Our analysis is that these programmes are effective in bridging the gap between formal education and the world of work. They further provide graduates networking opportunities with possibly future Register with SAGDA and allow us to put you on the map and give you the tools to carve a bright future.
South African Graduates Development Association
SAGDA is a non-profit organisation whose main objective is to prepare new graduates for the world of work and empower them to actively participate in the mainstream economy of our country and the rest of the globe.
SAGDA has influenced public policy and has well sought after advice to institutions such as the Presidency, National Youth Development Agency, Department of Public Service and Administration and the Department of Trade and Industry. In November 2010, we launched a new organizational strategy and adopted a new vision/mission to navigate the graduate empowerment trajectory through viable partnerships, footprint to rural and remote areas and research.
SAGDA partners with both private and public Universities, FET colleges, Sector Education & Training Authorities, Municipalities to champion the empowerment of graduates through a plethora of high impact programmes.
Champions of innovative opportunities to harvest quality and industrious graduates for a prosperous society.
To create innovative economic solutions for graduates’ employment, self-sustainability and social transformation through technology.
• Professionalism
• Efficiency
• Innovation
• Integrity
• Partnership
• Accountability
Motivate, support and prepare students for the world of work.
• Engage and enlist the membership of universities, (FET) Colleges, Sector Education & Training Authorities (SETA), Municipalities and Companies to empower graduates.
• Mobilize resources and stakeholders to support a faster absorption of graduates in the economy.
• Conduct research and provide vital statistics on graduate empowerment.
• Build a reliable graduate database and tailor make graduate empowerment solutions.
Our Inspirational Story
“It takes a village to raise a child”
(African Proverb)
It takes a whole village to raise a child because a child is an active social being who interacts with people who are not his or her parents. With each interaction, it is imperative that the child receive the same messages as to what is right or wrong, what is valued and what is to be rejected, and what is safe.
It is the shared values of the village, the shared commitment to each child as a loved individual and future citizen of the village, and the shared sense of collective responsibility that underscore the truth of why it takes a whole village to raise a child.
If the village does not support the proper raising of a child, then a parent has a difficult road indeed, and the child is at risk. It also takes a whole village to raise a child because a village is comprised of a diverse array of people of all ages and experiences, each of whom has something to teach each child.
Similarly, “it takes a village” to achieve any large civil goal. It takes a shared vision, a set of shared values, and a shared sense of collective responsibility for the common good.
Lastly, in a village, Ubuntu is widely promoted, and we strongly believe in the saying “UMUNTU NGUMUNTU NGABANTU” (meaning “I am a person through other people, my humanity is tied to yours”) ~ A Zulu proverb. The spiritual foundation of South African society, Ubuntu involves a belief in a universal bond of sharing and respect that connects all of humanity.
Application Graduate Registration
Graduate Placement, mostly in the form of Internships and Work Integrated Learning(WIL) opportunities constitute a great deal of SAGDA activities.
Our analysis is that these are effective in bridging the gap between formal education and preparing graduates for the world of work; while at the same time allowing graduates networking opportunities with clients who could become employers or even being absorbed at the very companies where they do their internship.
SAGDA partners with both private and public Universities, FET colleges, Sector Education & Training Authorities, Municipalities to champion the empowerment of graduates through a plethora of high impact programmes.
SAGDA is a non-profit organisation whose main objective is to prepare new graduates for the world of work and empower them to actively participate in the mainstream economy of our country and the rest of the globe.
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