Cleaner Job Opportunities at Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.
Closing date: 24 December 2024
Cleaner Job Opportunities at Department of Sport
SALARY : R131 265.per annum (Level 2)
CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : Basic literacy ABET Level 1. Must be able to read and write. Competencies: Sound communication skills. Must be able to work independently.
DUTIES : Perform specific cleaning service and apply hygienic measures when rendering cleaning services. Cleaning and preparing of venues for scheduled meetings. Cleaning of offices corridors and boardrooms by: Dusting and waxing office furniture; Sweeping, scrubbing and waxing of floors; Vacuuming and shampooing floors; Cleaning walls, windows and doors; Emptying and cleaning of dirt bins; Collecting and removing of waste papers; Freshen the office areas; Clean general kitchen by Refilling hand wash liquid soap; Replace toilet papers, hand towels and refreshers; Keep and maintain cleaning materials and equipment; Report broken cleaning machines and equipment; Cleaning of machines ( microwares, vacuum cleaners etc.) & equipment after use; Request cleaning materials.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. DE Sebolai at Tel No: 060 992 7514
How to apply
The Head of the Department, Post To: Department of Sport, Arts and Culture P/Bag X5004, Kimberley, 8300 or Hand Deliver to: Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, Mervin. J. Erlank Sports Complex, 10 Recreation Road, Florianville, Kimberley, 8301 Kimberley or Email applications to: dsacrecruitment@ncpg.gov.za
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