Correction Service is Hiring x50 Auxiliary Workers
The Department of Correctional Services is seeking dedicated and hardworking individuals to join as Auxiliary Workers for the 2024 intake. This is an excellent opportunity for those looking to work in a challenging but rewarding environment. The Auxiliary Workers will support the department’s operations and help ensure a safe and secure environment within correctional facilities across the country.
- Salary: R182 913 per annum, (Plus 37% in lieu of benefits)
Eastern Cape region:
- Amathole Management Area Ref No: EC 2024/10/01
- East London Management Area Ref No: EC 2024/10/02
- Kirkwood Management Area Ref No: EC 2024/10/03
- Mthatha Management Area Ref No: EC 2024/10/0 (X2 Posts)
- Sada Management Area Ref No: EC 2024/10/05
- St Albans Management Area Ref No: EC 2024/10/06 (X2 Posts)
Free State and Northern Cape region:
- Bizzah Makhate Ref No: FSNC 2024/10/01) (X2 Posts)
- Colesberg Management Area Ref No: FSNC 2024/10/02)
- Goedemoed Management Area Ref No: FSNC 2024/10/03)
- Groenpunt Management Area Ref No: FSNC 2024/10/04)
- Grootvlei Management Area Ref No: FSNC 2024/10/05)
- Kimberly Management Area Ref No: FSNC 2024/10/06)
- Upington Management Area Ref No: FSNC 2024/10/07)
National Head Office, Pretoria:
- Directorate: Restorative Justice Ref No: HO 2024/10/36
Gauteng region:
- Baviaanspoort Management Area Ref No: GP 2024/10/01
- Boksburg Management Area Ref No: GP 2024/10/02
- Johannesburg Management Area Ref No: GP 2024/10/03
- Kgoši Mampuru II Management Area Ref No: GP 2024/10/04
- Krugersdorp Management Area Ref No: GP 2024/10/05
- Leeuwkop Management Area Ref No: GP 2024/10/06
- Modderbee Management Area Ref No: GP 2024/10/07
- Zonderwater Management Area Ref No: GP 2024/10/08
KwaZulu Natal region:
- Durban Management Area Ref No: KZN 2024/10/01 (X2 Posts)
- Empangeni Management Area Ref No: KZN 2024/10/02
- Glencoe Management Area Ref No: KZN 2024/10/03
- Kokstad Management Area Ref No: KZN 2024/10/04
- Ncome Management Area Ref No: KZN 2024/10/05
- Pietermaritzburg Management Area Ref No: KZN 2024/10/06
- Waterval Management Area Ref No: KZN 2024/10/07
Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West region:
- Barberton Management Area Ref No: LMN 2024/10/01
- Bethal Management Area Ref No: LMN 2024/10/02
- Klerksdorp Management Area Ref No: LMN 2024/10/03
- Rooigrond Management Area Ref No: LMN 2024/10/04
- Rustenburg Management Area Ref No: LMN 2024/10/05
- Polokwane Management Area Ref No: LMN 2024/10/06
- Thohoyandou Management Area Ref No: LMN 2024/10/07
- Witbank Management Area Ref No: LMN 2024/10/08
Western Cape region:
- Allandale Management Area Ref No: WC 2024/10/01
- Breede Rivier Management Area Ref No: WC 2024/10/02
- Drakenstein Management Area Ref No: WC 2024/10/03
- Goodwood Management Area Ref No: WC 2024/10/04
- Overberg Management Area Ref No: WC 2024/10/05
- Pollsmoor Management Area Ref No: WC 2024/10/06
- Southern Cape (George) Management Area Ref No: WC 2024/10/07
- Voorberg Management Area Ref No: WC 2024/10/08
- Westcoast (Malmesbury) Management Area Ref No: WC 2024/10/09
- Registration with the SA Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) as a Social Auxiliary Worker.
- Computer literacy. Competencies And Attributes: Report writing, problem solving, interpersonal relations, conflict resolution and communication skills.
- Integrity and honesty. Friendly and adaptable.
- Self-discipline. Ability to work under pressure. Punctuality.
- Ability to network and willingness to travel.
- Keep updated on the Victim Offender Dialogue Programme and the objectives and targets as set out in the Strategic Plan and Operational Plan.
- Locate victims. Keep records on all attempts to locate victims.
- Orientation of victims with regard to the aims and benefits of the Victim Offender Dialogue programme.
- Facilitate contact between offender and victim.
- Assessment of potential areas of conflict.
- Referral of identified areas of conflict to the Departmental social workers for further intervention.
- Provision of particulars of victims to Case Management Committee and Parole Boards.
- Establish database of available support structures in the community (NGO’s, religious care organizations, etc).
- Orientation of NGO’s community leaders and other stakeholders with regard to the aims and benefits of the Victim Offender Dialogue Programme.
- Orientate NGO’s, community leaders and families of both the offender as well as the victim (s) regarding the benefits of the acceptance and reintegration of offenders into the communities.
- Handling monthly returns to Head Office with regard to performance on targets as contained in the Strategic Plan.
- Provision of needs to Head Community Corrections with regard to communication and travel.
SEE ALSO: SASSA Gold Card Replaced by Postbank Black Card
Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form (Public Service application form) obtainable here and must be completed in full. Only a detailed CV should be attached to your application form.
Applications should be submitted at:
Eastern Cape Region: The Regional Commissioner Eastern Cape. Recruitment Section, P/Bag X9013, East London or hand deliver at: Moore Street, Block E Ocean Terrace Quigney, East London, 5211 or you can email your application to ECHRM@dcs.gov.za
Free State and Northern Cape Region: The Regional Commissioner Free State and Northern Cape, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X20530, Bloemfontein, 9300 or hand deliver at: 103 Zastron Street, Agrimed Building, Bloemfontein, 9300 or you can email your application to FSNCHRM@dcs.gov.za
Gauteng Region: The Regional Commissioner Gauteng, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X393, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at: 1077 Forum East Building, Arcadia Street, Hatfield or you can email your application to GPHRM@dcs.gov.za
National Head Office: Department of Correctional Services, Post Advertisement Section, Private Bag X136, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at: 124 WF Nkomo Street, Poyntons Building, Cnr WF Nkomo and Sophie De Bruyn Street, Pretoria, 0001 (Previous: Cnr Church and Schubart Street) or you can email your application to Thapelo.Leballo@dcs.gov.za
KwaZulu Natal Region: The Regional Commissioner: Kwa-Zulu Natal, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X9126, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 or hand deliver at: Correctional Services, Eugene Marais Road, Napierville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 or you can email your application to KZNHRM@dcs.gov.za
Limpopo, Mpumalanga And North West Region: The Regional Commissioner Limpopo, Mpumalanga & North West, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X142, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at: Cnr Johannes Ramokhoase (Proes) & Paul Kruger Street, 196 Masada Building, 09th Floor, Pretoria, 0001 or you can email your application to LMNHRM@dcs.gov.za
Western Cape Region: The Regional Commissioner Western Cape, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X14, Goodwood, 7459 or hand deliver at: Peninsula Drive, Monte Vista, 7460 Or you can email your application to WCHRM@dcs.gov.za Appointment under the Public Service Act.
Social Auxiliary Workers
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