7 Driver / Messenger vacancies at COGTA
7 Driver / Messenger vacancies at COGTA (Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs).
Closing date for applications: 24 January 2025
7 Driver / Messenger vacancies at COGTA
The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs invites suitably qualified applicants to apply for Driver / Messenger vacancies
- Chief Directorate: Traditional Resource Administration
- Directorate: Traditional Institutional Support
- SALARY: R183 279 per annum (Level 04)
- CENTRE: Ref No: 102/2024 (TRA) – Harry Gwala District, Ref No: 103/2024 (TRA) – Ethekwini, Ref No: 104/2024 (TRA) – Ugu District, Ref No: 105/2024 (TRA) – Amajuba District, Ref No: 106/2024 (TRA) – Umkhanyakude District, Ref No: 107/2024 (TRA) – Uthukela District, Ref No: 108/2024 (TRA) – Umzinyathi District
The ideal candidate must be in possession of a Grade 10 qualification coupled with 7 – 12 months relevant experience and a valid Driver’s License.
Essential Knowledge, Skills And Competencies Required: The successful candidate must have: – Knowledge of the procedures to operate a motor vehicle e.g. procedures to obtain trip authorities, complete logbooks of the motor vehicle, to obtain consumables (e.g. petrol) and obtain basic services (e.g. fixing of flat tyre), Knowledge of the prescripts for the correct utilisation of the motor vehicle e.g. how and for what purpose can the motor vehicle be utilised, what is the requirement for the storage of the vehicle, Knowledge of the procedures to ensure that the motor vehicle is maintained properly, Knowledge of the procedures to perform messenger functions and routine office support like registry functions and the making of photocopies, good interpersonal skills; good communication skills (verbal and written).
The successful candidate will be required to provide driver and messenger duties with the following key responsibilities:
- Drive light and medium motor vehicles to transport passengers and deliver other items,
- Do routine maintenance on the allocated vehicle and report defects timeously,
- Complete all the required and prescribed records and log books with regard to the vehicle and the goods handled, Render a clerical support/messenger service in the relevant office.
How to apply
APPLICATION: To be posted to: The Chief Director, Human Resource Management & Development, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X9078, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or Hand Delivered To: The Chief Registry Clerk, 2nd Floor, South Tower, Natalia, 330 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Bos Nzimande Tel No: (033) 8975862
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